ISLAM That Make Life Guide

Khamis, 25 November 2010

Save the Nation By ISLAM - Tn.Guru Abdul Hadi Awang

Marang: President of PAS, Dato 'Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang asserts that not only acts of worship which do not conform to the teachings of Islam declined, even in matters of life including self, family and rule the country.

He said, all that does not conform to the teachings of Islam will be rejected as well, including among the Betrayal of God and the Prophet.

"Betrayal of Allah and His Messenger, nor is it only when the leaves of worship such as prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage. But as well as in the great sins, God and the Betrayal of the Prophet.

"When eating food that is unlawful, illegal work, wear clothes that do not cover the private parts, no maintenance is required and is not bermuamalat in business and so forth.

"Similarly, govern and rule the country does not follow the law of God and the Prophet Muhammad," he said when delivering a sermon at the mosque Aidilahda Rusila, Marang, 16 November.

According to Ustaz Abdul Hadi, God commanded the Prophet to the family and the people you start preaching to save them to Islam.

He said Islam is not bound by the spirit of the Islamic nation and the family as a container ship and the survival of a bridge leading to the Hereafter.

According to him, feelings of love to the family and the nation should be a way to save them to Islam.

Instead, he made the race as a struggle of faith is equated with the Islamic faith.

Dato 'Seri Abdul Hadi also reminded Muslims to adhere to political Islam is not separated by religion.

This is because the enemies of Islam use the old weapons to blow the spirit of the people to separate politics from religion.

"Today we are seeing signs of a return to the Islamic consciousness, so that the call for the revival of Muslims.

"So, the enemies of Islam once again use the weapons that bring down the old government redistributing Islam.dengan separating politics from the religious teachings of Islam and the nation breathed a spirit of faith struggle.

"Fall is a great Islamic kingdom once since they left the political Islam and Islamic way of life and embrace their national ideology," he said.

In fact, he united with the Muslim community and empowering people to re-establish an Islamic government in such manner as the Quran and the Prophet's guidance.

Aidladha supererogatory prayers finished, Ustaz Abdul Hadi to sacrifice the slaughter of eight cows in Rusila, Marang.

Meanwhile, the evening he killed a big cow worth RM11, 200 a Pure Safiah Park, Bukit Payung, Marang.